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Reading directions fully, taking notes, and making calculations




Demonstrating self-control where minimum directions and supervision are given


Understanding the task and creating a work plan


Meeting school/work deadlines


Seeking opportunities to update your own skills


Recognizing a need or opportunity on your own and taking appropriate actions


Observing, considering, and describing better ways to get a job done


Maintaining high performance standards without supervision

I dislike ignorance and rather work alone but in a group I can handle myself even when frusterated.

I compleated  my auto biography on time and with ease. 

in my scifi class I had to create a comic book witha team of people of a scifi world 

the auto biography was extreamly detailed and time based . from propper spelling to maiting a good story line. 

I watch and begin with higher convorsations about what to do next. 

I took care of my sisters while my parents went to work fed them ext. because they didnt know how. 

I use more advanced programs when I 3D print.

I had to do this while taking the ACT 

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