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  In my 11th grade year I created a script for a play for my english teacher Mr. Dyer. A script from diffrent points of veiws of the charicters along with the gothic tale.  

When  fixing or using computers I use propper terms of each program and aspect of the computer. 

In  Mr. Z's class we had built a robot  and we had to follow instructions to finish it.

We used a 3-D printer in shop class  in whitch we had to create modles and charts of how we made them

Performing basic calculations

In my 11th grade year my friend Dallas and I made a marble sorter that took weeks to finish. the manual had many difficult instructions. 

we had to use diffrent tools building the robots. 

I worked with my dad for a while and  had to complete tasks on cars and organizing the shop for them. 

Reading simple and complex instructions such as manuals

Writing A report by organizing important information and expressing different points of view

Giving and taking instructions

Estimating results in problems requiring math

Performing basic calculations

Combining and using a variety of information sources: manuals, maps, charts, graphs

Following safety procedures

Choosing appropriate tools to complete tasks

Demonstrating self-control where minimum directions and supervision are given

Using business or technical terms as needed

I did this in chemestry   for labs at western highschool. 

I use this in everyday life shopping, measuring ext. 

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